6712 Total number of machined parts
This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”.
[Data type] 2–word
[Unit of data] One piece
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
This parameter sets the total number of machined parts.
The total number of machined parts is counted (+1) when M02, M30, or
an M code specified by parameter No.6710 is executed.
The number of parts is not counted for M02, M03, when bit
0 (PCM) of parameter No. 6700 is set to 1.
6713 Number of required parts
This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”.
[Data type] Word
[Unit of data] One piece
[Valid data range] 0 to 9999
This parameter sets the number of required machined parts.
Required parts finish signal PRTSF is output to PMC when the number of
machined parts reaches the number of required parts. The number of parts
is regarded as infinity when the number of required parts is zero. The
PRTSF signal is then not output.
6750 Integrated value of power–on period
This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”.
[Data type] 2–word
[Unit of data] One min
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
This parameter displays the integrated value of power–on period.
6751 Operation time (integrated value of time during automatic operation) I
This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”.
[Data type] 2–word
[Unit of data] One ms
[Valid data range] 0 to 60000