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ALN When manual rapid traverse or reference position return without dogs
is performed for an angular axis during angular axis control:
0 : The acceleration/deceleration time for a Cartesian axis is not
1 : The acceleration/deceleration time for a Cartesian axis is
controlled so that it matches the acceleration/deceleration time
for the angular axis. (A linear path is formed by the angular axis
and Cartesian axis.)
ACL In linear interpolation type rapid traverse, the feedrate clamp function
for angular axis control is:
0 : Enabled.
1 : Disabled.
This parameter is valid when bit 1 (LRP) of
parameter No. 1401 is set to 1.
A53 During angular axis control, when a machine coordinate system
command (G53) specifies an angular axis alone:
0 : A movement along a Cartesian axis is also made.
1 : A movement is made along the angular axis only.
ADG The contents of diagnostic data Nos. 306 and 307 are:
0 : Not swapped. The angular axis and Cartesian axis are displayed
in this order.
1 : Swapped. The Cartesian axis and angular axis are displayed in
this order.
8210 Inclination angle for angular axis control
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data] 0.001 degree
[Valid data range] 20000 to 60000
: Inclination angle
+Z (Cartesian axis)
+X (angular axis):
Actual movement coordinate system
Program coordinate system