#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
[Data type] Bit
NPF The G01, G02, or G03 code specified in normal direction control:
0: Sets PF to 1.
1: Does not set PF to 1.
Parameter NPF (No.16003, #2) is validated when parameter CPF
(No.16001, #7) is set to 1.
TCF After the OP signal indicating that automatic operation is in progress is set
from 0 to 1, the PF signal to start pressing is set to 1:
0: Only when a T command is found.
This status is the same as the status in which the PFW signal to wait for
the start of pressingis set to 1.
1: Even if no T commands are found.
DPE The relationship between the *PE signal to stop pressing and the EPE
signal for ignoring the signal to stop pressing is as follows:
0: *PE is always validated irrespective of the status of EPE.
1: *PE is validated when EPE is set to 1, and invalidated when EPE is set
to 0.
NED After the last positioning ends in a nibbling block, the PF signal to start
pressing is set to 0:
0: When the contact of the *PE signal to stop pressing is set to 0.
1: When the two contacts of the *NFIN signal to complete punching for
continuous pressing and the *PE signal stop pressing are set to 0.
16008 M code for setting the forming mode
16009 M code for canceling the forming mode
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 1 to 97
Parameter 16008 sets the M code for setting the forming mode.
Parameter 16009 sets the M code for canceling the forming mode.
16010 Upper limit of the position deviation at which PF is set to 1
[Data type] Word axis
[Unit of data] Units of detection
[Valid data range] 0 to 32767
For each axis, parameter 16010 sets the upper limit of the positional
deviation at which the PF signal to start pressing is set to 1. When the
absolute value of the positional deviation does not exceed this highest
limit, PF is set to 1.
Parameter 16010 is validated when parameter PFE (No. 16001, #1) is set
to 1.