Series 0i-PB Parameter manual Page 214

Parameter manual

Contents Summary of Series 0i-PB Parameter manual

  • Page 1PARAMETER MANUAL B-63980EN/01
  • Page 2Ȧ No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. Ȧ All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various matters. However, we cannot describe all the matters which must not be done, or which cannot be
  • Page 3B–63980EN/01 PREFACE PREFACE The mode covered by this manual, and their abbreviations are : Product Name Abbreviations FANUC Series 0i–PB 0i–PB Series 0i–B 0i NOTE Some functions described in this manual may not be applied to some products. For details, refer to the DESCRIPTIONS (B–63832EN). p–1
  • Page 4PREFACE B–63980EN/01 Related manuals of The following table lists the manuals related to Series 0i–PB. Series 0i–PB This manual is indicated by an asterisk(*). Specification Manual name number FANUC Series 0i–PB DESCRIPTIONS B–63972EN FANUC Series 0i–MODEL B/0i Mate–MODEL B B–63833EN CONNECTION MANU
  • Page 5B–63980EN/01 PREFACE Related manuals of The following table lists the manuals related to SERVO MOTOR ais/ SERVO MOTOR ais/ ai series. ai series Manual name Specification number FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR ais series B–65262EN FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR ai series DESCRIPTIONS FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR ais series B–652
  • Page 6
  • Page 7B–63980EN/01 Table of Contents PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p–1 1. DISPLAYING PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. SETTING PAR
  • Page 8Table of Contents B–63980EN/01 4.30 PARAMETERS OF CHECK TERMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 4.31 PARAMETERS OF BASIC FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 4.32 OTHER PARAME
  • Page 9B–63980EN/01 1. DISPLAYING PARAMETERS 1 DISPLAYING PARAMETERS Follow the procedure below to display parameters. (1) Press the SYSTEM function key on the MDI as many times as required, or alternatively, press the SYSTEM function key once, then the PARAM section display soft key. The parameter screen
  • Page 102. SETTING PARAMETERS FROM MDI B–63980EN/01 2 SETTING PARAMETERS FROM MDI Follow the procedure below to set parameters. (1) Place the NC in the MDI mode or the emergency stop state. (2) Follow the substeps below to enable writing of parameters. 1. To display the setting screen, press the SETTING fun
  • Page 11B–63980EN/01 2. SETTING PARAMETERS FROM MDI [Example] 12000 [INPUT] PARAMETER (FEEDRATE) O0001 N00010 1401 RDR JZR RPD Cursor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1402 JRV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1410 DRY RUN FEEDRATE 12000 1412 0 1420 RAPID FEEDRATEX 15000 Y 15000 Z 15000 > MDI STOP *** *** ALM 10:03:10 [NO.SRH] [ ON:1 ] [ OFF
  • Page 123. INPUTTING AND OUTPUTTING PARAMETERS THROUGH THE READER/PUNCHER INTERFACE B–63980EN/01 INPUTTING AND OUTPUTTING PARAMETERS THROUGH THE 3 READER/PUNCHER INTERFACE This section explains the parameter input/output procedures for input/output devices connected to the reader/puncher interface. The foll
  • Page 133. INPUTTING AND OUTPUTTING PARAMETERS THROUGH B–63980EN/01 THE READER/PUNCHER INTERFACE 3.1 (1) Select the EDIT mode or set to Emergency stop. OUTPUTTING PARAMETERS (2) To select the parameter screen, press the SYSTEM function key as many THROUGH THE times as required, or alternatively press the SY
  • Page 143. INPUTTING AND OUTPUTTING PARAMETERS THROUGH THE READER/PUNCHER INTERFACE B–63980EN/01 3.2 (1) Place the NC in the emergency stop state. INPUTTING (2) Enable parameter writing. PARAMETERS THROUGH THE 1. To display the setting screen, press the OFFSET SETTING function key as READER/PUNCHER many tim
  • Page 15B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4 DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Parameters are classified by data type as follows: Table 4 Data Types and Valid Data Ranges of Parameters Data type Valid data range Remarks Bit 0 or 1 Bit axis Byte –128 to 127 In some parameters, signs are Byte axis 0 to 255 ign
  • Page 164. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.1 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 0000 SEQ INI ISO TVC SETTING The following parameter can be set at “Setting screen”. [Data type] Bit TVC TV check 0 : Not performed 1 : Performed ISO Code used for data output 0 : EIA code 1 : ISO code INI Unit of in
  • Page 17B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 0012 MIRx The following parameters can be set at “Setting screen”. [Data type] Bit axis MIRx Mirror image for each axis 0 : Mirror image is off. 1 : Mirror image is on. I/O CHANNEL: Selection of an input/output device or selection of
  • Page 184. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NOTE 1 An input/output device can also be selected using the setting screen. Usually, the setting screen is used. 2 The specifications (such as the baud rate and the number of stop bits) of the input/output devices to be connected must be set in the correspo
  • Page 19B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.2 This CNC has two channels CRS–232–C serial port1 and RS–232–C serial port2 of input/output device interfaces. The input/output device to PARAMETERS OF be used is specified by setting the channel connected to that device in READER/PUNCHER setting paramete
  • Page 204. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.2.1 Parameters Common to all Channels 0024 Port for communication with the PMC ladder development tool (FAPT LADDER–II/III) This parameter can be set at “Setting screen”. [Data type] Byte This parameter sets the port to be used for communication with the P
  • Page 21B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS ENS Action taken when a NULL code is found during read of EIA code 0 : An alarm is generated. 1 : The NULL code is ignored. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 0110 IO4 [Data type] Bit IO4 Separate control of I/O channel numbers is: 0: Not performed. 1: Performed. If th
  • Page 224. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 Table 4.2.2 (a) Set value and Input/Output Device Set value Input/output device 0 RS–232–C (Used control codes DC1 to DC4) 1 FANUC CASSETTE ADAPTOR 1 (FANUC CASSETTE B1/ B2) 2 FANUC CASSETTE ADAPTOR 3 (FANUC CASSETTE F1) 3 FANUC PROGRAM FILE Mate, FANUC FA C
  • Page 23B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.2.4 Parameters of #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 Channel 2 0121 NFD ASI SB2 (I/O CHANNEL=2) [Data type] Bit These parameters are used when I/O CHANNEL is set to 2. The meanings of the bits are the same as for parameter 0101. 0122 Number specified for the input/ou
  • Page 244. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 0135 RMS PRA ETX ASC NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Bit ASC Communication code except NC data 0: ISO code 1: ASCII code ETX End code for protocol A or extended
  • Page 25B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.3 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 0140 ECD NCE BCC DNC2 INTERFACE NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Bit BCC The BCC value (block check characters) for the DNC2 interface is: 0: Ch
  • Page 264. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 0145 Time required for switching RECV and SEND (DNC2 interface) NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Byte [Unit of data] S [Valid data range] 1 to 60 (The standard setting is 1.) 0146 Number
  • Page 27B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 0149 Number of characters in the data section of the communication packet (DNC2 interface) NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Word [Valid range] 80 to 256 (The standard setting is 256.) Th
  • Page 284. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.4 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 REMOTE 0002 RDG DIAGNOSIS [Data type] Bit RDG Remote diagnosis is: 0: Not performed. 1: Performed. If an RS–232C serial port is used to carry out remote diagnosis, connect and set up the modem, cable, and the like, t
  • Page 29B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 0204 Remote diagnosis channel [Data type] Byte [Valid data range] 0, 1, 2 The interface to be used for remote diagnosis is: 0, 1: RS–232C serial port 1 (channel 1). 2 : RS–232C serial port 2 (channel 2). 0211 Password 1 for remote diagnosis 0212 Password 2 f
  • Page 304. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 0221 Keyword 1 for remote diagnosis 0222 Keyword 2 for remote diagnosis 0223 Keyword 3 for remote diagnosis [Data type] 2–word [Valid range] 1 to 99999999 Set a keyword corresponding to a password of the remote diagnosis function. Keyword 1: Keyword for pass
  • Page 31B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.5 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 DATA SERVER 0900 ONS DSV [Data type] Bit DSV The data server function is 0: Enabled 1: Disabled ONS When the O number of the data server file name and the O number in an NC program do not match: 0: The O number of th
  • Page 324. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 0921 OS selected for host computer 1 of data server 0922 OS selected for host computer 2 of data server 0923 OS selected for host computer 3 of data server [Data type] Word [Valid data range] 0 to 1 1 : UNIX or VMS is selected. 0 : Windows95/98/NT is selecte
  • Page 33B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.6 PARAMETERS OF ETHERNET 0931 Special character code corresponding to soft key [CHAR–1] 0932 Special character code corresponding to soft key [CHAR–2] 0933 Special character code corresponding to soft key [CHAR–3] 0934 Special character code corresponding
  • Page 344. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.7 PARAMETERS OF POWER MATE CNC #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 MANAGER 0960 PMN MD2 MD1 SLV [Data type] Bit SLV When the power mate CNC manager is selected, the screen displays: 0 : One slave. 1 : Up to four slaves with the screen divided into four. MD1,MD2 These
  • Page 35B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.8 PARAMETERS OF AXIS CONTROL/ INCREMENT SYSTEM #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1001 INM NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Bit INM Least command increment on the linear axis 0 : In mm (metric sy
  • Page 364. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 XIK When LRP, bit 1 of parameter No.1401, is set to 0, namely, when positioning is performed using non–linear type positioning, if an interlock is applied to the machine along one of axes in positioning, 0: The machine stops moving along the axis for which t
  • Page 37B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1005 EDMx EDPx HJZx DLZx ZRNx [Data type] Bit axis ZRNx When a command specifying the movement except for G28 is issued in automatic operation (MEM, RMT, or MDI) and when a return to the reference position has not been performed since
  • Page 384. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1006 ZMIx ROSx ROTx NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Bit axis ROTx, ROSx Setting linear or rotation axis. ROSx ROTx Meaning 0 0 Linear axis (1) Inch/metric conver
  • Page 39B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1008 RRLx RABx ROAx NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Bit axis ROAx The roll–over function of a rotation axis is 0 : Invalid 1 : Valid NOTE ROAx specifies the func
  • Page 404. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1012 IDGx [Data type] Bit axis IDGx The function for setting the reference position again, without dogs, is: 0 : Not inhibited. 1 : Inhibited. NOTE 1 IDGx is enabled when the IDG parameter (bit 7 of parameter No.1002) is 1. 2 When the
  • Page 41B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 1020 Program axis name for each axis [Data type] Byte axis Set the program axis name for each controlled axis, using one of the values listed in the following table: Axis Setting Axis Setting Axis Setting Axis Setting name name name name X 88 U 85 A 65 T 84
  • Page 424. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1023 Number of the servo axis for each axis NOTE When this parameter is set, power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Byte axis [Valid data range] 1, 2, 3, ..., number of control axes /–1, –2 Set the servo axis for each control axi
  • Page 43B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.9 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 1201 AWK ZCL COORDINATES [Data type] Bit ZCL Local coordinate system when the manual reference position return is performed 0 : The local coordinate system is not canceled. 1 : The local coordinate system is canceled
  • Page 444. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1220 External workpiece zero point offset value [Data type] 2–word axis [Unit of data] Input increment IS–A IS–B Unit Linear axis (input in mm) 0.01 0.001 mm Linear axis (input in inches) 0.001 0.0001 inch Rotation axis 0.01 0.001 deg [Valid data range] –999
  • Page 45B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE The workpiece origin offset can also be set using the workpiece coordinate system screen. Coordinate value of the reference position on each axis in the machine 1240 coordinate system NOTE When this parameter is set, power must be turned off before oper
  • Page 464. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 First address of the signal group used by the external machine zero point shift 1280 extension [Data type] Word [Valid data range] 0 to 65535 Set the first address of the signal group used by the external machine zero point shift extension. If 100 is specifi
  • Page 47B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.10 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 BFA LZR LMS OUT STROKE CHECK 1300 [Data type] Bit OUT The area inside or outside of the stored stroke check 2 is set as an inhibition area (setting by the parameters No.1322 and No.1323). 0: Inside 1: Outside LMS Th
  • Page 484. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 CAUTION In the cases below, the automatic release function is disabled. To release an alarm, a reset operation is required. 1 When a setting is made to issue an alarm before a stored stroke limit is exceeded (bit 7 (BFA) of parameter No. 1300) 2 When an anot
  • Page 49B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE 1 For axes with diameter specification, a diameter value must be set. 2 When the parameters are set as follows, the stroke becomes infinite: parameter 1320 < parameter 1321 For movement along the axis for which infinite stroke is set, only increment com
  • Page 504. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1326 Coordinate value II of stored stroke check 1 in the positive direction on each axis 1327 Coordinate value II of stored stroke check 1 in the negative direction on each axis [Data type] 2–word axis [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Unit Millimete
  • Page 51B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.11 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 1401 RDR RF0 LRP RPD FEEDRATE [Data type] Bit RPD Manual rapid traverse during the period from power–on time to the completion of the reference position return. 0: Disabled (Jog feed is performed.) 1: Enabled LRP Po
  • Page 524. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 F8A Valid data range for an F command with a decimal point 0: Increment system Units IS–A, IS–B Millimeter input mm/min 0.001 to 99999.999. Inch input inch/min 0.00001 to 999.99999. Rotation axis (mm) deg/min 1 to 240000. Rotation axis (inch) deg/min 1 to 96
  • Page 53B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS The cutting feedrate set by this parameter is valid after the CNC is placed in the clear state by power–up or a reset until a feedrate is specified by a program command (F command). After a feedrate is specified by the F command, the feedrate becomes valid.
  • Page 544. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1424 Manual rapid traverse rate for each axis [Data type] 2–word axis [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Valid data range Increment system Unit of data IS-A, IS-B Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 30 to 240000 Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 30 to 96000ă Rotation axis 1
  • Page 55B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 1430 Maximum cutting feedrate for each axis [Data type] 2–word axis Valid data range Increment system Unit of data IS-A, IS-B Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 6 to 240000 Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 6 to 96000 Rotaion axis 1 deg/min 6 to 240000 Specify the maximum
  • Page 564. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.12 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 ACCELERATION/ 1601 NCI OVB DECELERATION [Data type] Bit CONTROL OVB Block overlap in cutting feed 0: Blocks are not overlapped in cutting feed. 1: Blocks are overlapped in cutting feed. Block overlap outputs the pul
  • Page 57B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE Depending on the setting value of the time constant, the rate slightly lower than the rapid traverse rate may be applied for a given period of time while reaching the rapid traverse rate after acceleration. To work around this problem, set a multiple of
  • Page 584. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1624 Time constant of exponential acceleration/deceleration in jog feed for each axis. [Data type] Word axis [Unit of data] ms [Valid data range] 0 to 4000(exponential acceleration/deceleration in jog feed) Set the time constant used for exponential accelera
  • Page 59B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.13 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 1800 RBK FFR OZR CVR SERVO [Data type] Bit CVR When velocity control ready signal VRDY is set ON before position control ready signal PRDY comes ON 0: A servo alarm is generated. 1: A servo alarm is not generated. O
  • Page 604. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1804 SAK IVO [Data type] Bit axis IVO When an attempt is made to release an emergency stop while the VRDY OFF alarm ignore signal is 1: 0 : The emergency stop state is not released until the VRDY OFF alarm ignore signal is set to 0. 1
  • Page 61B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1819 CRFx FUPx [Data type] Bit axis FUPx To perform follow–up when the servo is off is set for each axis. 0: The follow–up signal, *FLWU, determines whether follow–up is performed or not. When *FLWU is 0, follow–up is performed. When
  • Page 624. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 Setting command multiply (CMR), detection multiply (DMR), and the capacity of the reference counter + DA X CMR Error counter Converter To velocity control least command – increment Feedback pulse Reference counter X DMR Position detector Detection unit Fig.4
  • Page 63B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 1821 Reference counter size for each axis NOTE When this parameter has been set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] 2–word axis [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 Set the size of the reference counter. 1825 Servo loop gain
  • Page 644. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1828 Positioning deviation limit for each axis in movement [Data type] 2–word axis [Unit of data] Detection unit [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 Set the positioning deviation limit in movement for each axis. If the positioning deviation exceeds the position
  • Page 65B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE When bit 0 (PLC01) of parameter No.2000 is set to 1, a value ten times greater than the value set in this parameter is used to make the check. Example When the value 10 is set in this parameter, and bit 0 (PLC01) of parameter No.2000 is set to 1, refere
  • Page 664. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 Table 4.13 Backlash Compensating Value Change of feedrate Cutting feed to Rapid traverse Rapid traverse to Cutting feed to Change of direction of movement cutting feed to rapid traverse cutting feed rapid traverse Same direction 0 0 ±α ± (–α) Opposite direct
  • Page 67B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 1876 One–pitch interval of the inductosyn NOTE When this parameter has been set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Word axis [Unit of data] Detection unit [Valid data range] 1 to 32767 Set a one–pitch interval of the ind
  • Page 684. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 1904 DSP NOTE After this parameter has been set, the power must be turned off then back on for the setting to become effective. [Data type] Bit axis DSP 0 : Two axes use one DSP. (Ordinary axes) 1 : One axis uses one DSP. NOTE Paramet
  • Page 69B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS CNC Controlled Program Servo axis Interface axis axis name number type number No.1020 No.1023 Fast/Slow 1 X 1 F 2–axis X (Fast) 2 Y 2 F amplifier 3 Z 3 S A (Slow) 4 A 4 S 1–axis Y (Fast) amplifier 1–axis Z (Slow) amplifier IO1 A first I/O module supporting F
  • Page 704. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1910 Address conversion table value for slave 1 (ATR) 1911 Address conversion table value for slave 2 (ATR) 1912 Address conversion table value for slave 3 (ATR) 1913 Address conversion table value for slave 4 (ATR) 1914 Address conversion table value for sl
  • Page 71B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS S Examples of axis configurations and parameter settings CNC Controlled Program Servo axis Slave ATR axis axis name number number No.1910 Axis number No.1020 No.1023 to 1919 1 X 1 2 Y 3 1–axis 1 0 X 3 Z 4 amplifier 4 A 2 2 1 A 2–axis amplifier 3 2 Y M1 4 16
  • Page 724. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 1920 Controlled axis number for slave 1 (dedicated to the FSSB setting screen) 1921 Controlled axis number for slave 2 (dedicated to the FSSB setting screen) 1922 Controlled axis number for slave 3 (dedicated to the FSSB setting screen) 1923 Controlled axis
  • Page 73B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 1933 Cs contour control axis (dedicated to the FSSB setting screen) NOTE After this parameter has been set, the power must be turned off then back on for the setting to become effective. [Data type] Byte axis [Valid data range] 0, 1 When Cs contour control i
  • Page 744. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NOTE When automatic setting mode is selected for FSSB setting (when bit 0 of parameter No.1902 is set to 0), these parameters are automatically set when input is performed with the FSSB setting screen. When manual setting 2 mode is selected for FSSB setting
  • Page 75B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Parameters No.2000 to 2999 are for digital servo, The following parameters are not explained in this manual. Refer to FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR αi series PARAMETER MANUAL (B–65270EN) No. Data type Contents 2000 Bit axis PGEX PRMC DGPR PLC0 2001 Bit axis AMR7 AMR6
  • Page 764. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 No. Data type Contents 2061 Word axis Counterelectromotive force compensation (EMFLMT) 2062 Word axis Overload protection coefficient (OVC1) 2063 Word axis Overload protection coefficient (OVC2) 2064 Word axis Soft disconnection alarm level 2065 Word axis Ov
  • Page 77B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS No. Data type Contents 2130 Word axis Two thrust ripple compensations per magnetic pole pair 2131 Word axis Four thrust ripple compensations per magnetic pole pair 2132 Word axis Six thrust ripple compensations per magnetic pole pair 2133 Word axis Decelerat
  • Page 784. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.14 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 3001 MHI RWM DI/DO [Data type] Bit RWM RWD signal indicating that rewinding is in progress 0 : Output only when the tape reader is being rewound by the reset and rewind signal RRW 1 : Output when the tape reader is
  • Page 79B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3004 OTH [Data type] Bit OTH The overtravel limit signal is: 0 : Checked 1 : Not checked WARNING For safety, usually set 0 to check the overtravel limit signal. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3006 EPS EPN GDC [Data type] Bit GDC As the decel
  • Page 804. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 3011 Acceptable width of M, S, T, and B function completion signal (FIN) [Data type] Word [Unit of data] 1 ms [Valid data range] 16 to 32767 Set the minimum signal width of the valid M, S, T, and B function completion signal (FIN). M, S, T, B code MF, SF, TF
  • Page 81B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.15 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 DISPLAY AND EDIT 3100 COR FKY SKY CEM [Data type] Bit CEM On screens such as the operation history screen and help screen, keys on the MDI panel are indicated: 0 : In English. 1 : With graphics qualifying for CE mar
  • Page 824. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NOTE When KBF = 1, the contents of the key–in buffer can all be cleared at one time by pressing the SHIFT key followed by the CAN key. BGD In background editing, a program currently selected in the foreground: 0 : Cannot be selected. (BP/S alarm No.140 is is
  • Page 83B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3104 PPD MCN [Data type] Bit MCN Machine position 0 : Not displayed according to the unit of input. (Regardless of whether input is made in mm or inches, the machine position is displayed in mm for millimeter machines, or in inches fo
  • Page 844. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3106 OHS OPH GPL [Data type] Bit GPL On the program list screen, the list–by–group function is: 0 : Disabled 1 : Enabled OPH The operation history screen is: 0 : Not displayed. 1 : Displayed. OHS Operation history sampling is: 0 : Per
  • Page 85B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE In manual operation mode, the jog feedrate is displayed. In automatic operation mode, the dry run feedrate is displayed. In each case, the feedrate to which a manual feedrate override has been applied is displayed. JOG F 8000 PART COUNT 15 RUN TIME 1H17
  • Page 864. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NPA Action taken when an alarm is generated or when an operator message is entered 0 : The display shifts to the alarm or message screen. 1 : The display does not shift to the alarm or message screen. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3112 OPH EAH OMH SGD NOTE When th
  • Page 87B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE When the values of MS0 and MS1 are changed, all preserved external operator message history data is cleared. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3114 ICS IUS IMS ISY IOF IPR IPO [Data type] Bit IPO When the POS function key is pressed while the position display scr
  • Page 884. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3115 D10x NDFx NDAx NDPx [Data type] Bit axis NDPx Display of the current position for each axis 0 : The current position is displayed. 1 : The current position is not displayed. NDAx Position display using absolute coordinates and re
  • Page 89B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3117 P9D NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Bit P9D The format of the screen displayed on the PC side by the CNC screen display function is: 0 : 14–inch type. 1 : 9
  • Page 904. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 3122 Time interval used to record time data in operation history [Data type] Word [Unit of data] min [Valid data range] 0 to 1439 Time data is recorded in operation history at set intervals. When 0 is specified in this parameter, 10 minutes is assumed as the
  • Page 91B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 3151 Number of the axis for which the first load meter for the servo motor is used 3152 Number of the axis for which the second load meter for the servo motor is used 3153 Number of the axis for which the third load meter for the servo motor is used 3154 Num
  • Page 924. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 3197 Detection time of continuous pressing on touch panel [Data type] Byte [Unit of data] s [Valid data range] 0 to 255 This parameter is valid if bit 2 (TRA) of parameter No. 3192 is set to 1. Set a period of continuous pressing on the touch panel which cau
  • Page 93B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS (4) Program editing of registered programs (5) Program registration (6) Program collation (7) Displaying programs OLV When a program other than the selected program is deleted or output: 0 : The display of the selected program is not held. 1 : The display of
  • Page 944. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3203 MCL MER MIE [Data type] Bit MIE After MDI operation is started, program editing during operation is: 0 : Enabled 1 : Disabled MER When the last block of a program has been executed at single block operation in the MDI mode, the e
  • Page 95B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3205 MCK OSC PNS COL [Data type] Bit COL When a program is displayed or output, any colons (:) in the comments of the program are: 0 : Converted to letter O 1 : Displayed or output as is colon (:) PNS On the program screen, a search b
  • Page 964. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3208 COK SKY [Data type] Bit SKY The function key [SYSTEM] on the MDI panel is: 0 : Enabled. 1 : Disabled. COK The automatic screen erase function is: 0 : Enabled. 1 : Disabled. NOTE If this parameter is set to 1, screen erasure by th
  • Page 97B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 3211 Keyword [Data type] 2–word When the value set as the password (set in parameter No.3210) is set in this parameter, the locked state is released and the user can now modify the password and the value set in bit 4 (NE9) of parameter No.3202. NOTE The valu
  • Page 984. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NOTE The functions of the signals depend on whether KEY=0 or KEY=1. When KEY = 0: – KEY1: Enables a tool offset value and a workpiece zero point offset value to be input. – KEY2: Enables setting data and macro variables to be input. – KEY3: Enables program r
  • Page 99B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 3294 Start number of tool offset values whose input by MDI is disabled 3295 Number of tool offset values (from the start number) whose input by MDI is disabled [Data type] Word When the modification of tool offset values by MDI key input is to be disabled us
  • Page 1004. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.16 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARAMETERS OF 3401 GSB ABS MAB DPI PROGRAMS [Data type] Bit DPI When a decimal point is omitted in an address that can include a decimal point 0 : The least input increment is assumed. 1 : The unit of mm, inches, or second is ass
  • Page 101B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS G23 When the power is turned on 0 : G22 mode (stored stroke check on) 1 : G23 mode (stored stroke check off) #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3403 AD2 CIR [Data type] Bit CIR When neither the distance (I, J, K) from a start point to the center nor an arc radius (R) i
  • Page 1024. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 M02 When M02 is specified in memory operation 0 : M02 is sent to the machine, and the head of the program is automati- cally searched for. So, when the end signal FIN is returned and a reset or reset and rewind operation is not performed, the program is exec
  • Page 103B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE When the set value is 0, the difference of radii is not checked. 3411 M code preventing buffering 1 3412 M code preventing buffering 2 3413 M code preventing buffering 3 L L 3420 M code preventing buffering 10 [Data type] Byte [Valid data range] 0 to 25
  • Page 1044. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NOTE 1 The specification of a minimum value that exceeds the specified maximum value is invalid. 2 When there is only one data item, set the following: minimum value = maximum value. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3450 CQD [Data type] Bit CQD The method used for de
  • Page 105B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.17 PARAMETERS OF 3620 Number of the pitch error compensation position for the reference position for each axis PITCH ERROR COMPENSATION NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Word axis [Unit
  • Page 1064. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 Number of the pitch error compensation position at extremely positive position 3622 for each axis NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Word axis [Unit of data] Number [Valid data range] 0 to
  • Page 107B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Minimum interval between pitch error compensation positions = maximum feedrate (rapid traverse rate)/7500 Units: Minimum interval between pitch error compensation positions: mm, inch, deg Maximum feedrate: mm/min, inch/min, deg/min Example: When the maximum
  • Page 1084. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 The compensation value is output at the compensationn position No.corresponding to each section between the coordinates. The following is an example of the compensation values. No. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Compensation +2 +1 +1 –2 0
  • Page 109B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Reference position 0.0 45.0 315.0 (61) (68) (60) (62) (67) 90.0 270.0 (+) (63) (66) (64) (65) 135.0 225.0 180.0 Set the parameters as follows: Parameter Setting No. 3620: Compensation point number for reference position 60 No. 3621: Compensation point number
  • Page 1104. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 3625 Travel distance per revolution in pitch error compensation of rotation axis type NOTE When this parameter has been set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] 2–word axis [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 If the pitch err
  • Page 111B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.18 PARAMETERS OF TOOL #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 SUV SUP COMPENSATION 5003 [Data type] Bit SUP Start up or cancel in cutter compensation C 0 : Type A 1 : Type B SUV When G40, G41, and G42 are specified independently, 0 : The start up and cancel operation conf
  • Page 1124. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 QCR The travel distance of circular interpolation in cutter compensation C is judged: 0 : In the FS0 (FS16) format. 1 : In the FS15 format. FS0 (FS16) and FS15 determine the travel distance in different ways if the radius of arc at the start point of circula
  • Page 113B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Limit value that ignores the vector when a tool moves on the outside of a corner 5010 during cutter compensation C [Data type] Word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Unit Millimeter input 0.01 0.001 mm Inch input 0.001 0.0001 inch [Valid data range]
  • Page 1144. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.19 PARAMETERS OF SCALING/ #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 COORDINATE 5400 SCR XSC RCW RIN ROTATION [Data type] Bit RIN Coordinate rotation angle command (R) 0 : Specified by an absolute method 1 : Specified by G90 or G91 RCW When a workpiece or local coordinate sy
  • Page 115B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE Parameter No.5421 becomes valid when scaling for every axis is valid. (XSC, #6 of parameter No.5400 is “1”.) 5421 Scaling magnification for every axis This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”. [Data type] 2–word axis [Unit of data] 0.001 or 0.0
  • Page 1164. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.20 PARAMETERS OF NORMAL DIRECTION CONTROL 5480 Number of the axis for controlling the normal direction [Data type] Byte [Valid data range] 1 to the maximum control axis number This parameter sets the control axis number of the axis for controlling the norm
  • Page 117B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 5483 Limit value of movement that is executed at the normal direction angle of a pre- ceding block [Data type] 2–word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Unit Millimeter input 0.01 0.001 mm Inch input 0.001 0.0001 inch [Valid data range] 1 to 99999999
  • Page 1184. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 5484 CTI SDC [Data type] Bit SDC In normal direction control: 0 : A C–axis movement is automatically inserted between blocks so that the C–axis is directed at right angles to the direction of motion at the start point of each block. (
  • Page 119B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE When this parameter is set to 1, no interference check is made in cutter compensation C. 5485 Limit imposed on the insertion of a single block for rotation about the normal direction control axis [Data type] 2–word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A I
  • Page 1204. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.21 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 CUSTOM MACROS 6000 SBV SBM HGO MGO G67 [Data type] Bit G67 If the macro continuous–state call cancel command (G67) is specified when the macro continuous–state call mode (G66) is not set: 0 : P/S alarm No.122 is iss
  • Page 121B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 6001 CLV CCV TCS CRO PV5 PRT [Data type] Bit PRT Reading zero when data is output using a DPRINT command 0 : Outputs a space 1 : Outputs no data PV5 Custom macro common variables: 0 : Nos. 500 to 599 are output. 1 : Nos. 100 to 199 an
  • Page 1224. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 ADR Calling a subprogram with address E by the subprogram call function using a custom macro and macro executor special code is: 0 : Disabled. 1 : Enabled. Address E can be set for parameters Nos. 6090 and 6091. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 6006 MLG [Data type] B
  • Page 123B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 6050 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9010 6051 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9011 6052 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9012 6053 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9013 6054 G
  • Page 1244. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 6080 M code that calls the custom macro of program number 9020 6081 M code that calls the custom macro of program number 9021 6082 M code that calls the custom macro of program number 9022 6083 M code that calls the custom macro of program number 9023 6084 M
  • Page 125B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.22 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 SKIP FUNCTION 6200 SKF SRE HSS SK0 [Data type] Bit SK0 This parameter specifies whether the skip signal is made valid under the state of the skip signal SKIP. 0 : Skip signal is valid when these signals are 1. 1 : S
  • Page 1264. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 SPE For the skip function (G33), the skip signal (bit 7 of X004) is: 0 : Disabled. 1 : Enabled. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 6202 1S1 [Data type] Bit 1S1 Specify high-speed skip signal (HDI0) is enabled when the G33 skip command is issued. 1S1 HDI0 NOTE HDI0 is h
  • Page 127B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.23 PARAMETERS OF EXTERNAL DATA #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 INPUT/OUTPUT 6300 EEX ESR ESC [Data type] Bit ESC When a reset is input between input of the external data input read signal ESTB and execution of a search, the external program number search function:
  • Page 1284. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.24 PARAMETERS OF GRAPHIC DISPLAY 6561 Standard color data for graphic color number 1 6562 Standard color data for graphic color number 2 6563 Standard color data for graphic color number 3 6564 Standard color data for graphic color number 4 6565 Standard c
  • Page 129B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS [Valid data range] Data of each color: 00 to 15 (same value as the tone level data on the color setting screen) When a value of more than 15 is set, the system assumes that 15 has been specified. Example: Set 10203 in this parameter when the color tone level
  • Page 1304. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.25 PARAMETERS OF DISPLAYING OPERATION TIME AND NUMBER OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PARTS 6700 PCM [Data type] Bit PCM M code that counts the total number of machined parts and the number of machined parts 0 : M02, or M30, or an M code specified by parameter
  • Page 131B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 6712 Total number of machined parts This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”. [Data type] 2–word [Unit of data] One piece [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 This parameter sets the total number of machined parts. The total number of machined parts is
  • Page 1324. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 6752 Operation time (integrated value of time during automatic operation) II This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”. [Data type] 2–word [Unit of data] One min [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 This parameter displays the integrated value of time du
  • Page 133B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Integrated value of general–purpose integrating meter drive signal (TMRON) 6756 ON time II This parameter can be set at the “Setting screen”. [Data type] 2–word [Unit of data] One min [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 This parameter displays the integrated va
  • Page 1344. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.26 PARAMETERS OF POSITION SWITCH FUNCTIONS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 6901 PCM EPS IGP [Data type] Bit IGP During follow–up for the absolute position detector, position switch signals are: 0 : Output 1 : Not output EPS The number of position switches is: 0 :
  • Page 135B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 6910 Axis corresponding to the first position switch 6911 Axis corresponding to the second position switch 6912 Axis corresponding to the third position switch 6913 Axis corresponding to the fourth position switch 6914 Axis corresponding to the fifth positio
  • Page 1364. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 6930 Maximum operation range of the first position switch 6931 Maximum operation range of the second position switch 6932 Maximum operation range of the third position switch 6933 Maximum operation range of the fourth position switch 6934 Maximum operation r
  • Page 137B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 6950 Minimum operation range of the first position switch 6951 Minimum operation range of the second position switch 6952 Minimum operation range of the third position switch 6953 Minimum operation range of the fourth position switch 6954 Minimum operation r
  • Page 1384. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.27 PARAMETERS OF MANUAL HANDLE FEED AND HANDLE INTERRUPTION #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 7100 HPF HCL THD JHD [Data type] Bit JHD Manual handle feed in JOG feed mode or incremental feed in the manual handle feed 0 : Invalid 1 : Valid When JHD:=0 When JHD:=1 JOG
  • Page 139B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 7103 IBH HIT HNT [Data type] Bit HNT The manual handle feed/incremental feed magnification is: 0 : Multiplied by 1. 1 : Multiplied by 10. HIT The manual handle interruption magnification is: 0 : Multiplied by 1. 1 : Multiplied by 10.
  • Page 1404. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 7117 Allowable number of pulses that can be accumulated during manual handle feed [Data type] 2–Word [Unit of data] Pulses [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 If manual handle feed is specified such that the rapid traverse rate will be exceeded momentarily, tho
  • Page 141B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.28 PARAMETERS OF SOFTWARE OPERATOR’S PANEL #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 7200 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 [Data type] Bit OP1 Mode selection on software operator’s panel 0 : Not performed 1 : Performed OP2 JOG feed axis select and JOG rapid traverse buttons on s
  • Page 1424. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 7210 Job–movement axis and its direction on software operator’s panel ȱ↑ȴ 7211 Job–movement axis and its direction on software operator’s panel ȱ↓ȴ 7212 Job–movement axis and its direction on software operator’s panel ȱ→ȴ 7213 Job–movement axis and its direc
  • Page 143B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 7220 Name of general–purpose switch on software operator’s panel 7283 Name of general–purpose switch on software operator’s panel [Data type] Byte Example These parameters set the OPERATOR’S PANEL O1234 N5678 names of the SIGNAL1 : OFF ON general–purpose swi
  • Page 1444. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.29 PARAMETERS OF AXIS CONTROL BY #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 PMC 8001 SKE AUX NCC RDE OVE MLE [Data type] Bit MLE Whether all axis machine lock signal MLK is valid for PMC–controlled axes 0 : Valid 1 : Invalid NOTE Each–axis machine lock signals MLK1 to MLK4 a
  • Page 145B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8002 PF2 PF1 F10 SUE RPD [Data type] Bit RPD Rapid traverse rate for PMC–controlled axes 0 : Feedrate specified with parameter No.1420 1 : Feedrate specified with the feedrate data in an axis control command SUE Whether acceleration/d
  • Page 1464. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8004 NCI DSL NMT CMV CMV When a move command and auxiliary function are specified from the CNC, and the system is awaiting the auxiliary function completion signal after completion of the specified axis movement: 0 : An alarm (No.130)
  • Page 147B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8006 IPA EML [Data type] Bit EML When bit 0 (MLE) of parameter No. 8001 is set to 1, for PMC axes: 0 : The all axis machine lock signal and axis–by–axis machine lock signals are disabled. 1 : The all axis machine lock signal is disabl
  • Page 1484. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NOTE If 0 is specified, the value of parameter No. 1425 is used. 8021 Minimum speed of rapid traverse override in axis control by PMC (Fo) [Data type] Word axis [Unit of data, Valid data range] Valid data range Increment system Unit of data IS–A, IS–B Millim
  • Page 149B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.30 PARAMETERS OF CHECK TERMINATION 8341 Program number subject to check termination [Data type] Word [Valid data range] 0 to 9999 This parameter sets the program number, including a sequence number, subject to sequence number check termination. Parameter N
  • Page 1504. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.31 PARAMETERS OF BASIC FUNCTIONS 8130 Number of total controlled axes NOTE When this parameter is set, the power must be turned off before operation is continued. [Data type] Byte [Valid data range] 2 to 4 Set the total number of CNC controlled axes. #7 #6
  • Page 151B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.32 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 OTHER 8700 DMM PARAMETERS [Data type] Bit DMM In DNC operation from the PMC or OPEN CNC, pre–reading is: 0 : Not performed. 1 : Performed. #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8701 WPR [Data type] Bit WPR The function that allows parameters t
  • Page 1524. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8706 NWD HSD NOTE When this parameter has been set, the power must be turned off before operation is contimued. [Data type] Bit HSD Main machining during DNC operation with FOCAS1/HSSB is: 0 : Normal operation. 1 : High–speed operatio
  • Page 153B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Program number for data registration (data input/output function using the 8760 I/O link) [Data type] Word [Valid data range] 0 to 9999 When the data input/output function using the I/O link is used, this parameter sets the program numbers of the programs to
  • Page 1544. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8801 [Data type] Bit Bit parameter 1 for machine tool builder #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8802 [Data type] Bit Bit parameter 2 for machine tool builder NOTE These parameters are used only by the machine tool builder. Refer to the relevant
  • Page 155B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.33 PARAMETERS OF MAINTENANCE #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8901 FAN [Data type] Bit FAN A fan motor error is: 0 : Detected. (When the fan motor error is detected, an overheating alarm occurs.) 1 : Not detected. (Use inhibited) #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 8903 PRM [D
  • Page 1564. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.34 PARAMETERS OF OPERATION 12801 Number of a signal symbol table for selecting an operation history signal (01) HISTORY 12802 Number of a signal symbol table for selecting an operation history signal (02) 12803 Number of a signal symbol table for selecting
  • Page 157B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 12841 Number of a signal selected as an operation history signal (01) 12842 Number of a signal selected as an operation history signal (02) 12843 Number of a signal selected as an operation history signal (03) 12844 Number of a signal selected as an operatio
  • Page 1584. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 12881 RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0 History record bit settings for an operation history signal (01) #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 12882 RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0 History record bit settings for an operation history signal (02) #7 #
  • Page 159B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 12896 RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0 History record bit settings for an operation history signal (16) #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 12897 RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0 History record bit settings for an operation history signal (17) #7 #
  • Page 1604. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.35 PARAMETERS OF #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 THE PRESS 16000 PEI NFI PFI RPF FUNCTION [Data type] Bit RPF When the RESET key is pressed or when external reset, reset and rewind, or emergency stop is activated, the PF signal to start pressing is: 0: Set to 0. 1
  • Page 161B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS MPF In a block containing an M code, the PF signal to start pressing is: 0: Not set to 1. 1: Set to 1. PF is set to 1 when movement along an axis terminates or when completion of the miscellaneous function is returned. CPF At the end of the 01 group containi
  • Page 1624. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16003 NED DPE TCF NPF [Data type] Bit NPF The G01, G02, or G03 code specified in normal direction control: 0: Sets PF to 1. 1: Does not set PF to 1. Parameter NPF (No.16003, #2) is validated when parameter CPF (No.16001, #7) is set to
  • Page 163B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE The parameter can only be set for the X, Y, and C axes. 16011 Duration for which the start of positioning is delayed [Data type] Byte axis [Unit of data] msec [Valid data range] 0 to 248 For each axis, parameter 16011 sets the duration for which the sta
  • Page 1644. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16013 Time interval by which setting of PF to 1 precedes completion of X–axis position- ing for the distance of level 1 16014 Time interval by which setting of PF to 1 precedes completion of X–axis position- ing for the distance of level 2 16015 Time interva
  • Page 165B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16020 Time interval by which setting of PF to 1 precedes completion of Y–axis position- ing for the distance of level 1. 16021 Time interval by which setting of PF to 1 precedes completion of Y–axis position- ing for the distance of level 2. 16022 Time inter
  • Page 1664. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 The parameters are validated when parameter KLC (No. 16050, #4) is set to 1. For the positioning distance, see the description of data 16140 and 16141. NOTE If a negative value is specified, the PF signal is set to 1 when the corresponding time period elapse
  • Page 167B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16030 Time interval by which setting PF to 0 follows setting *PE to 0 in single–cycle pressing [Data type] Byte [Unit of data] msec [Valid data range] 0 to 248 Parameter 16030 sets the time interval by which setting the PF signal to start pressing to 0 follo
  • Page 1684. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16034 Time interval by which setting PF to 1 follows first positioning in nibbling [Data type] Byte [Unit of data] msec [Valid data range] 0 to 248 Parameter 16034 sets the time interval by which setting the PF signal to start pressing to 1 follows positioni
  • Page 169B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS PF PFB *PE Time set in Time set in Time set in parameter parameter parameter 16037 16030 16037 16038 Time interval by which setting PF to 0 follows setting PFB to 0 [Data type] Byte [Unit of data] msec [Valid data range] 0 to 20 Parameter 16038 sets the time
  • Page 1704. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16040 Time interval by which the start of the next block follows setting *PFIN to 0 [Data type] Byte [Unit of data] msec [Valid data range] 0 to 248 Parameter 16040 sets the time interval by which the start of the next block follows setting the contact of th
  • Page 171B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.36 PARAMETERS FOR THE SPEED AND #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16050 KLV PCT CT2 KLC NCT PCF G0F LOOP GAIN SWITCH [Data type] Bit G0F For a rapid traverse command (G00), the X–axis or Y–axis rapid traverse feedrate is set to the value: 0: Specified in the paramet
  • Page 1724. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16051 PGC LPG KLT [Data type] Bit KLT When rapid traverse is executed in automatic operation, the function to change the servo loop gain of position control and time constant of T–axis rapid traverse among three levels according to th
  • Page 173B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16053 ROM TMO [Data type] Bit TMO Override for a linear acceleration/deceleration time constant for rapid traverse is: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled ROM Rapid traverse override is carried out: 0: According to the conventional specification.
  • Page 1744. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 Each of the parameters set the positioning distance to use the function to change the time constant and X–axis and Y–axis rapid traverse feedrate among seven levels according to the positioning distance. (Identical values are
  • Page 175B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16074 X–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 1 16075 X–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 2 16076 X–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 3 16077 X–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 4 16078 X–axis rapid traverse time constant of l
  • Page 1764. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16088 Y–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 1 16089 Y–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 2 16090 Y–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 3 16091 Y–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 4 16092 Y–axis rapid traverse time constant of l
  • Page 177B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16099 Y–axis positioning time of level 1 (Rapid traverse override of 100% or 75%) 16100 Y–axis positioning time of level 1 (Rapid traverse override of 50% or 25%) 16101 Y–axis positioning time of level 2 (Rapid traverse override of 100% or 75%) 16102 Y–axis
  • Page 1784. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16110 Y–axis servo loop gain of level 1 16111 Y–axis servo loop gain of level 2 16112 Y–axis servo loop gain of level 3 16113 Y–axis servo loop gain of level 4 16114 Y–axis servo loop gain of level 5 16115 Y–axis servo loop gain of level 6 16116 Y–axis servo
  • Page 179B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16122 T–axis servo loop gain of level 1 16123 T–axis servo loop gain of level 2 16124 T–axis servo loop gain of level 3 [Data type] Word [Unit of data] 0.01 sec–1 [Valid data range] 1 to 9999 Each of the parameters set the servo loop gain of T–axis position
  • Page 1804. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16145 C–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 1 16146 C–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 2 16147 C–axis rapid traverse time constant of level 3 [Data type] Word [Unit of data] msec [Valid data range] 8 to 4000 Each of the parameters set the C–
  • Page 181B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.37 PARAMETERS FOR THE NIBBLING #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16181 NPF NSP NPC NMG FUNCTION [Data type] Bit NMG When the M code for canceling the nibbling mode (No. 16184) is specified, the G code in the 01 group is: 0: Not changed. 1: Changed to G00 (rapid trav
  • Page 1824. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16186 Maximum pitch for G68 or G69 (in mm) 16187 Maximum pitch for G68 or G69 (in inches) [Data type] Two–word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Units Input in millmeters 0.01 0.001 mm Input in inches 0.001 0.0001 inch [Valid data range] 1 to 9999999
  • Page 183B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16192 Maximum pitch of G00 command for changing nibbling between two levels (in mm) 16193 Maximum pitch of G00 command for changing nibbling between two levels (in inches) [Data type] Two–word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Units Input in millmete
  • Page 1844. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 4.38 PARAMETERS FOR THE PATTERN #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16200 UVW ABM MUR FUNCTION [Data type] Bit MUR U or V macro numbers are handled: 0: According to the standard specifications. 1: According to the following specifications. (1) Changing a macro number St
  • Page 185B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS IPA Although positioning is to be executed in the block immediately following execution of the pattern function (including G68 or G69), only a command for either the X– or Y–axis is specified. Movement to the pattern reference point: 0: Is not executed for t
  • Page 1864. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16204 PDG BKR [Data type] Bit BKR The first automatic repositioning command (G75) that sets automatic operation signal OP from 0 to 1 uses: 0: The values set in parameters 16209 and 16210 as the clearance and amount of return for the
  • Page 187B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16209 Clearance and amount of return for the Y axis in automatic repositioning (in mm) 16210 Clearance and amount of return for the Y axis in automatic repositioning (in inches) [Data type] Two–word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Units Input in mi
  • Page 1884. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16229 Color code setting for alarm block display [Data type] Byte [Valid data range] Setting value Alarm color 1 Red 2 Green 3 Yellow 4 Blue 5 Pink 6 Light blue 7 White Others Pink This parameter specifies the color code in which a program block causing a PS
  • Page 189B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.39 PARAMETERS FOR #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 THE TURRET AXIS 16260 TLP TNM TCL [Data type] Bit TCL The T axis is: 0: Not controlled by the CNC machine. 1: Controlled the CNC machine. TNM When machine lock signal MLK and the TNG signal for ignoring a T command
  • Page 1904. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 TND When the T–axis position is displayed, 0: The current position is indicated in units of minimum travel increments. 1: The number of the tool at the current position is indicated. This is validated when TDP (No. 16262, #3) is set to 1. TNA When a tool num
  • Page 191B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS IDX The tool position is not compensated in a block in which no movement along an axis occurs. In the next block containing movement along an axis the tool position is compensated: 0: For each T code. 1: Only for T codes with which turret indexing is not exe
  • Page 1924. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16268 T–axis travel for each rotation of the turret [Data type] Two-Word [Unit of data] Least command increment for the T–axis [Valid data range] 0 to 99999999 This parameter specifies the total T–axis travel for each rotation of the turret. This parameter i
  • Page 193B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.40 PARAMETERS FOR C–AXIS CONTROL #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16360 CBR CIP MAB MAI [Data type] Bit MAI The function for compensating the C–axis position is: 0: Invalidated. 1: Validated. MAB The function B for compensating the C-axis position is: 0: Invalidate
  • Page 1944. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 NRC According to the command of automatic return to the reference point (G28), the machine is: 0: Moved along the C–axis to the reference point. 1: Not moved along the C–axis to the reference point. This is validated when parameter CRM (No. 16362, #5) is set
  • Page 195B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16370 Number of tool 1 for which C–axis control can be executed 16371 Number of tool 2 for which C–axis control can be executed 16372 Number of tool 3 for which C–axis control can be executed 16373 Number of tool 4 for which C–axis control can be executed 16
  • Page 1964. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16390 C-axis backlash 1 16391 C-axis backlash 2 16392 C-axis backlash 3 16393 C-axis backlash 4 16394 C-axis backlash 5 16395 C-axis backlash 6 16396 C-axis backlash 7 16397 C-axis backlash 8 16398 C-axis backlash 9 16399 C-axis backlash 10 16400 C-axis back
  • Page 197B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16430 C–axis position compensation 1 to use function for compensating the C–axis position 16431 C–axis position compensation 2 to use function for compensating the C–axis position 16432 C–axis position compensation 3 to use function for compensating the C–ax
  • Page 1984. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 Each of the parameters set the C–axis position compensation to use the function for compensating the C–axis position. These compensated values correspond to the tool numbers set in parameters 16370 to 16389. The values validated when parameter MAI (No. 16360
  • Page 199B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.41 PARAMETERS FOR THE SAFETY ZONE #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16500 YSF SAT SF0 [Data type] Bit SF0 The safety zone of type: 0: A is used. 1: B is used. NOTE When type B is used, punching is inhibited in punching mode and entry is inhibited in laser mode. SAT
  • Page 2004. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 GSZ On the graphic screen, the safety zone is checked according to the position of a workpiece holder: 0: Specified on the safety zone screen. 1: Specified by graphic parameters. (On the graphic screen, this check is executed in an area that is not related t
  • Page 201B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS NOTE 1 The values set for zone #n must be smaller than those set for zone #n + 1. (n: 1 to 3) 2 Zeros must be specified for zones which need not be specified. 3 If any of the +X, –X, and Y coordinates are set to 0 for an area, that area is invalid. 16517 Siz
  • Page 2024. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16533 Distance between the position detector of the workpiece holder and the punch [Data type] Two-Word [Unit of data] Increment system IS–A IS–B Units Millimeter machine 0.01 0.001 mm Inch machine 0.001 0.0001 inch [Valid data range] 0 to "99999999 The para
  • Page 203B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 16536 X–axis rapid traverse rate for automatic setting [Data type] Two-Word [Unit of data] Increment system Units of data Valid data range Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 30 to 240000 Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 30 to 9600 This parameter specifies an X–axis rapid
  • Page 2044. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 16540 Width of workpiece holder 1 along the X–axis for automatic setting 16541 Width of workpiece holder 2 along the X–axis for automatic setting 16542 Width of workpiece holder 3 along the X–axis for automatic setting 16543 Width of workpiece holder 4 along
  • Page 205B–63980EN/01 4. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS 4.42 ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS FOR 16600 Width for the second reference position on each axis DI/DO SIGNALS 16601 Width for the third reference position on each axis 16602 Width for the fourth reference position on each axis [Data type] Word [Unit of data] Incre
  • Page 2064. DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63980EN/01 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 16748 NUV [Data type] Bit NUV Specifies the macro UV storage format. 0: Complies with the conventional specification. 1: Executes only character storage processing. 198
  • Page 207APPENDI
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  • Page 209B–63980EN/01 APPENDIX A. CHARACTER CODE LIST A CHARACTER CODE LIST Character Code Comment Character Code Comment A 065 6 054 B 066 7 055 C 067 8 056 D 068 9 057 E 069 032 Space F 070 ! 033 Exclamation mark G 071 ” 034 Quotation marks H 072 # 035 Shape I 073 $ 036 Dollar mark J 074 % 037 Percent K 07
  • Page 210
  • Page 211B–63980EN/01 Index [A] Parameters of Channel 1 (I/O CHANNEL=1), 14 Parameters of Channel 2 (I/O CHANNEL=2), 15 Additional Parameters for DI/DO Signals, 197 Parameters of Check Termination, 141 Parameters of Coordinates, 35 [C] Parameters of Custom Macros, 112 Character Code List, 201 Parameters of D
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  • Page 213Revision Record FANUCĄSeriesĄ0i – PB PARAMETER MANUAL (B–63980EN) 01 Jun., 2003 Edition Date Contents Edition Date Contents
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